In the aftermath of a natural disaster, what does it take for a family and community to recover? In...
Archive for category: Mental Wellness
Stages of Gratitude
Gregg Krech, , Gratitude, Mental Wellness, gratitude, Mental Wellness, naikan, 1Many of us wish to be conscious of how our lives are blessed. We don’t want to be stuck...
Kinship (video)
Linda Anderson Krech, , Mental Wellness, ToDo Institute, Action, Making a Difference, Purpose, Relationships, Thirty Thousand Days, 0One of the things that Naikan reveals for you (in very specific and personal ways) is the interdependent nature...
Curiosity (Video)
Gregg Krech, , Attention/Mindfulness, Mental Wellness, ToDo Institute, Attention, depression, mental health, Mental Wellness, Mindfulness, video, 1At the 20th anniversary conference of the ToDo Institute I gave a keynote presentation called, “How to Escape from...
How Will You Spend Your Last 3,000 Days?
Gregg Krech, , Health, Mental Wellness, Taking Action, ToDo Institute, Action, Exercise, Health, Mental Wellness, Taking Action, Thirty Thousand Days, 0When I give a presentation on Japanese Psychology, I often ask people to calculate how many days they have...
Not Complaining
Gregg Krech, , Acceptance, Attention/Mindfulness, Mental Wellness, ToDo Institute, Acceptance, Attention, Mental Wellness, Mindfulness, Purpose, 0by Brother David Steind-Rast I am now experimenting with not complaining. I don’t know if any of you have...
The Tsunami and the Cherry Blossom – Academy Award Nominated Film (Watch Trailer)
Gregg Krech, , Mental Wellness, Taking Action, ToDo Institute, Crisis, japan compassion, Purpose, Taking Action, Thirty Thousand Days, video, 0I’m very excited because we just received news that the ToDo Institute has received permission to show the...
The Psychology of Taking Action
Gregg Krech, , Mental Wellness, Morita Therapy, Taking Action, ToDo Institute, Action, Getting Things Done, Kaizen, Purpose, Taking Action, 0One of the things that distinguish Japanese Psychology from more traditional approaches is the theme of “Action.” There are...