One of the things that Naikan reveals for you (in very specific and personal ways) is the interdependent nature...
Tag Archive for: Thirty Thousand Days
How Will You Spend Your Last 3,000 Days?
When I give a presentation on Japanese Psychology, I often ask people to calculate how many days they have...
The Tsunami and the Cherry Blossom – Academy Award Nominated Film (Watch Trailer)
I’m very excited because we just received news that the ToDo Institute has received permission to show the...
Stand Up and Live Longer
There’s a new disease that is taking years off of our lives. It affects both men and women. Even...
Deciding Is Not Doing
Have you ever been in a quandary and, after considering different options and possibilities, you finally decided what you...
The Power of Seeing (Video)
This is an extraordinary video of people’s eyes. Sometimes we have contact with people for years and never actually...
Ten Changes to Start You Off on the Right Track in the New Year
The New Year often brings a wonderful energy for change, but it easily gets lost in resolutions which ultimately...