Who We Are
Welcome to the ToDo Institute! Here you will find a wealth of material on a natural approach to mental wellness, based on Japanese Psychology. Although rooted in Eastern philosophy, these methods are integrated beautifully into our contemporary western society, providing balance, beauty and wisdom.
Most approaches to mental health in the West are rooted in European psychology. The principles presented here are quite different, originating in Japan and rooted in Asian tradition and philosophy. You’ll find guidance on topics ranging from depression to procrastination. So please relax, take off your shoes (Japanese style) and come explore resources which blend the practical, the spiritual and the psychological.
Where to Begin
You’ll find practical guidance and inspiration on some critical themes related to mental health and purposeful living.
Thirty Thousand Days: A Journal for Purposeful Living
Thirty Thousand Days has been the ToDo Institute’s flagship publication for 25 years! Informed by Japanese Psychology and drawing on Eastern traditions like Zen & Yoga, it bridges the gap between the spiritual, the psychological and the practical.
How many days will you live? 30,000 days is the average number of days we have to live. If you are 41 years old or older you have used up more than half those days. We named our publication Thirty Thousand Days to remind us that our time is limited and what we need to do is to LIVE. Contributors to our journal include Zen teachers, meditation teachers, poets, activists, Buddhist psychologists, novelists, researchers and cartoonists. The content is eclectic and includes poetry, research, Zen fables, book excerpts, personal experience, insightful quotes—all pointing towards our desire to live a life filled with meaning, purpose, gratitude and passion.
“I look forward to Thirty Thousand Days every time it comes. I love it. The articles are so rich and deep and life-changing! Keep them coming forever. Thank you.”
—Sharon Rosman, New Jersey
*Thirty Thousand Days is included with your membership to the ToDo Institute!
Library of Japanese Psychology
Welcome to the ToDo Institute’s Library of Japanese Psychology and Purposeful Living. Please come in and browse through a wide variety of resources designed to help you meet some of the most challenging situations you may encounter. Our work is primarily grounded in methods of Japanese psychology (particularly Morita and Naikan therapies and Kaizen).
If you have experience with Western psychology you will find these approaches quite different. For many people, the blending of the psychological, the spiritual, and the practical is a refreshing contrast to the traditional methods offered in the West. There are hundreds of articles in our library—plus audio, video, book excerpts and more. Pour yourself a cup of tea and stay as long as you like.
Highlighting a Year That Hasn’t Begun Yet
What were the highlights of the past year for you? Reflecting back on the joys, sorrows and challenges of...
A Reflective Approach to Bringing in the New Year
There’s a sense of mystery in the air. What will the new year bring? No one can answer that...
Capturing the Treasures and Teachings of the Year
An enjoyable way to come to closure at the end of a year is to make a map of...
Finishing Strong: Ending the year with help from “peak-end theory”
Finishing Strong: Ending the year with help from “peak-end theory” by Gregg Krech Do you know about Daniel Kahneman’s...
Resolutions Cannot Take the Place of Practice
It may not come as a surprise to hear that New Year’s resolutions don’t work – at least for...
Turning Points
We each encounter turning points in our lives. Sometimes they arise naturally, like a special birthday (i.e. 65). Sometimes...
ToDo Institute Bookstore
We’ve put together an unusual collection of books, audio CDs and other resources for people who are dedicated to living a meaningful and constructive life. Come and browse through materials on Naikan, Morita Therapy, and other compatible books that offer practical wisdom to help us live well and create a healthy planet.
Online Learning Opportunities
Our online programs are unique. They offer an opportunity to try out new ways of being in the world, change longstanding habits, and develop new perspectives. These programs provide stimulating resources, rich discussion and personal engagement with experienced teachers. More than 5000 people have taken our courses during the past ten years, and for a very modest cost. Our programs are self-paced, 30 days long, include a daily exercise, an active community discussion and print, audio and video resources.
“This set-up is phenomenal. I have never been in such a group with such well-organized and generous offerings through an on-line course”.
—Susan Lebel Young, Maine
Upcoming Courses
Living on Purpose
Jan. 8 – Feb. 7, 2025
Taking Action
Feb. 19 – March 20, 2025
A Natural Approach to Mental Wellness
Apr. 19 – May 19, 2025
Working with your Attention
**Program dates to be announced
Gratitude, Grace, and a Month of Self-Reflection
Nov. 16- Dec. 15, 2024

Living Fully with Illness
Jan/Feb 2025 (Specific dates to be announced soon.)
Residential Programs
ToDo Institute offers two residential programs a year, a Naikan Retreat and a Residential Certification Program in Japanese Psychology. Both take place at the ToDo Institute Residential Center in Monkton, Vermont.
The Naikan Retreat offers a profound opportunity to step back and review your entire life. You’ll reflect on your significant relationships and play back the film of how you’ve lived up to the present day. Naikan is a method of self-reflection and the retreat is conducted with an effort to preserve the Japanese tradition. You’ll be supported by healthy food, experienced guidance and surrounded by hundreds of acres of natural forest. Many people choose to do this retreat as they find themselves at a transitional point in life or as a way of deepening their own spiritual practice. “My deepest gratitude to you for the most profound experience of my life. I learned more about myself this week that in 20 years of psychotherapy.”
“Contact us at todo@todoinstitute.org to receive scheduling updates regarding future Naikan Retreats.”
-Jane Harrison, Rochester, NY
The ToDo Institute Residential Certification Program is a comprehensive educational opportunity, providing training and practice in methods of Japanese Psychology including Morita Therapy, Naikan and Kaizen. Immerse yourself in the beauty of Vermont as you become part of a small intentional community for nine days. Your experience includes daily meditation and Naikan reflection, morning classes, individual sessions each day with a teacher, healthy vegetarian food, films, music, poetry, and more. What you learn and experience here will stay with you forever. Participation is limited to ten people and is by application only. The program is led by Gregg Krech, author of several books, who has been teaching Japanese psychology for 30 years.
ToDo Institute Residential Certification
(Monkton, Vermont)
Sept. 22 - 28, 2024
Naikan Center Bavarian Forest
(St. Oswald, Germany)
Oct. 20 - 27, 2024
I would travel more than the 6000 miles I did this time to come back for a second time. The residential program is a superb mixture of personal experience and serious study in Japanese approaches to counseling, combined in an extremely warm and enjoyable setting.
—Reinhard Friedrich Spiess, Germany

Become a member of the ToDo Institute and get a subscription to Thirty Thousand Days, a free ebook, and discounts on all courses and books!

Private Consultations
The ToDo Institute provides individual consultations for those seeking guidance in applying the wisdom of Japanese Psychology to their own lives.